Ламчен Гьялпо Ринпоче

Ламчен Гьялпо Ринпоче родился в семье Беху Тригьяла — правителя королевства Дронг в Тибете. Дрикунг Кьябгон Шивей Лодро, XVI Гьялва Кармапа и Тай Ситу Ринпоче распознали его как воплощение Чогтула Тринлея Гьяцо, известного как Лама Пурга. Лама Пурга (1883-1938) жил в Кхаме в Тибете. Он был так предан линии Дрикунг Кагью, что трижды в течение жизни подносил все свои мирские накопления предыдущему воплощению Гарчена Ринпоче, Гарчену Тринлею Йонгкьябу. Новый тулку был возведён на трон в монастыре Ло Лунгкар Гён в Кхаме.

Ламчен Гьялпо Ринпоче проходил обучение во времена, когда учения Дхармы в Тибете процветали. Он получил обширные драгоценные передачи и посвящения от великих и просветлённых мастеров всех линий тибетского буддизма и усердно практиковал их. После побега из Тибета Ламчен Гьялпо Ринпоче 11 лет служил в Тибетском правительстве в изгнании. После этого Дрикунг Кьябгон Четсанг попросил Ламчена Гьялпо Ринпоче присоединиться к нему в Джангчублинге, резиденции Дрикунг Кагью в Дерадуне, Индия. Ламчен Гьялпо Ринпоче сыграл огромную роль в сохранении линии Дрикунг Кагью. После культурной революции традиции был нанесён такой сильный ущерб, что под угрозой оказалось само существование линии. В 80-х годах, когда Тибет получил некоторые свободы, Ламчен Гьялпо Ринпоче посетил все уцелевшие монастыри Дрикунг по всему Тибету. Он давал все необходимые посвящения, передачи и учения для того, чтобы традиционные для линии Дрикунг практики смогли укорениться и вновь расцвести во всех этих местах. Благодаря его усердию бесчисленные практики линии Дрикунг в традициях Махамудры и Дзогчен не были утеряны и процветают сегодня. В настоящее время Ламчен Гьялпо Ринпоче неустанно трудится на благо Дхармы в собственных дхарма-центрах в США и на Тайване, а также в различных дхарма-центрах по всему миру.

LAMCHEN GYALPO RINPOCHE is recognized as an extraordinary scholar and practitioner possessing great realization of both Dzogchen and Mahamudra. He is uniquely qualified to transmit the Drikung Dzogchen teachings. He has studied extensively with some of the greatest masters of Tibetan Buddhism.

Rinpoche has received complete teachings from the generative stages to the completion stages of Yamantaka, Chakrasamvara, and Vajravarahi, among other practices, from many enlightened masters of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage. Gyalpo Rinpoche went on retreats with his masters and received core teachings on Mahamudra, and the transfer of profound experiential insight by the Drikung Master, Gelong Pachung Rinpoche and Drubwang Kyunga Rinpoche. From His Holiness the 16th Karmapa, Gyalpo Rinpoche received such profound teachings as Mahamudra, and Karmapa Rangjung Dorje's Tsig-chigma; from Situ Pema Wangchog, Abishekas, commentaries and experiential insight; from Zigar Kongtul Rinpoche, Rinchen Terzo and Abishekas, commentaries, and transfer of experiential insight on all Yidam deities; from Ripa Seljey Rinpoche, Karma Kagyu empowerments and teachings; and from Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche, Nyingmapa tantras, sadhanas, and experiential insight in general and Nyingthig Yabshi teachings in particular.

Gyalpo Rinpoche received from other such enlightened masters as Poli Khenchen Dorjechang, Nyoshul Khenpo Jampal Dorje and Khenpo Thubten Rinpoche numerous aspects of Dzogchen empowerments, teachings, and conveyance of experiential insights with special emphasis on Longchen Nyingthig. From former Drugpa Chogon, Drugchen Thamche Kyenpa, and Yoge Rigzin Gyalpo Rinpoche received thorough introduction to the very essence of Mahamudra and the Great Perfection and Drugpa teachings with special emphasis on Doha. From his root guru, Khunu Rinpoche Tenzin Gyaltsen - the lifeline of all Buddhist traditions - Gyalpo Rinpoche received profound teachings on the core of Mahamudra and the Great Perfection with special emphasis on tregchod and thogal. The teachings of such profound masters were practiced from the Preliminary to the stages of Arising and Completion, punctuated with retreats and propitiation of deities which included three Major retreats and Yidam Propitiations.

Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche was reborn into an aristocratic family in Tibet and is the incarnation of Lhama Phurga. After his escape from Tibet, he served in the Tibetan Parliament for 11 years as Senior Secretary to the Kashag in Dharamsala nd later as Executive Manager of Tibetan Self-Help Handicraft Center in Simla, India. His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang convinced him to follow His Holiness to Dehra Dun.There he served as his Private Secretary and General Secretary of Drikung Kagyu Institute (Jangchubling) during the time of founding and registering of the Institute and contributed tiredlessly throughout the various stages of the building the seat of the Drikung Kagyu Tradition in exile that stands today. "The holder of the dharma's lifeline with the word 'Gyal' in his name refered to Gyalpo Rinpoche's contribution to the rekindling of the Drikung Kagyu Tradition in exile.

In a successful effort to reach out to Lineage followers, Gyalpo Rinpoche toured every single Drikung monastery from the regions in Eastern Tibet to Mt. Kailash. He also assisted His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Rinpoche with the history of Drikung and other such writings and helped to hang on to the "dharma lifeline" at such difficult times as in the beginning. Gyalpo Rinpoche also created the basic conditions to enable the establishment of the Seat of Dorje Drag - the lifeline of Nyingmapa Tradition - in Simla as well. Rinpoche is throne holder of Ka Tashi Thubten Rabgye Ling Monastery and is their reincarnate lama.

"Presenting himself in many appearances" Gyalpo Rinpoche was a regional lord/administrator, he is also a Tulku, a monk, was a bureaucrat, a scholar and a lama in different aspects while dwelling in the same unchanging essence.

Later he established several Dharma centers in the United States and Taiwan. For the past years Rinpoche has been busy traveling around the world to share his extensive knowledge of the Dharma to his many students.

Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche is one of the highest and most important lamas of the Drikung Kagyu tradition. He holds the pith oral instructions of precious Dharma teachings for many lineages.